Pinks & Patterns

Fancy Nanc-ista

I can’t believe it’s the weekend already, time really does fly by! Today was a fun filled day, despite the fact that the weather was pretty darn brutal.. I mean BRUTAL as the last few days have been hot and cold. (GEZ, can’t Chicago weather please make up it’s mind??!) Today was just horrible, winddddddy is more like it. I live in a corner in the South Loop, and let me tell you it’s the windiest corner ever. Ha, I’m not joking, I was nearly blown over on the side walk to the streets! Anyway, enough about weather… today I had a chance to meet and interview with another Chicago based designer, however instead of me being interviewed, I interviewed them… (will reveal details later), and I say that because I have yet to edit the video clips.. Yes how exciting! It will be my first introduction to YouTube, and another introduction to something else! 
After an hour of deciding on what to wear, I finally decided on an outfit! I wanted to dress businessy- but also fashionista as well. Here is what I came up with! 

Everything I am wearing is basically things I already have in my closet and just put together! I bought the top from ZARA during their summer sale >> here’s a similar look. The skirt is also from Zara during their current sale now. The jacket is from Nordstrom last year >> here’s a similar look. The BCBG pink clutch I actually won a few weeks ago and finally had a chance to rock it out! 🙂
Well hope everyone has a great weekend! My best friend is finally coming to visit me, and we are planning on going to Eataly! Ha… If you have read my old posts from a few weeks ago, I mentioned how I loved that place, so I am excited to visit it for the second time around!
Hopefully I finish the video soon, as well as the long hours of homework I have to get done this weekend! 
Fancy Nancista


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