How Not to Let Yourself Go While Travelling

Photo by Resi Kling on Unsplash

Travel is an adventure of discovery. Discovering new places, cultures and cuisines while breaking free of your daily grind. However, it can be easy to give into the temptation of abandoning routines altogether and returning home feeling less rested than when you left. Although enjoying every moment and breaking away can be rejuvenating. With some careful planning and disciplined self-maintenance while travelling you can have your adventure and stay in top form too. In this blog, we will look at some tips that can help strike a balance between indulgence and self-care while traveling.

Prioritise Movement, but Keep It Simple 

Sure, when visiting Paris or Thailand you might not have time or interest in hitting weights or running 10 miles, that’s OK. Instead look for simple yet enjoyable ways to keep moving throughout your travels. At any opportunity, walk whenever possible. Climb that viewpoint for the ideal cityscape photo, or swim in that turquoise sea you have your eye on. Many destinations provide opportunities for low-key exercise disguised as adventure. Kayaking, cycling tours and paddle boarding can be great ways to stay active while experiencing travel first hand. Avoid overly rigid workout routines in favour of movement that feels natural to your trip experience.

Snack Like You’re a Foodie, Not a Bottomless Pit

Food is an integral part of travel, and rightly so. Discovering new cuisine is often one of the highlights of a trip, yet there’s a fine line between appreciating authentic dishes and mindless overindulgence. One way to avoid overeating when dining out abroad is treating meals as special events rather than mindlessly snacking between flights or terminals. Grab some local fruit rather than purchasing airport crisps. Try sharing dishes instead of polishing off everything. Tasting multiple items before ordering food just because it sounds good. Remember, enjoying food doesn’t require overindulgence.

Use Vegan Protein

As travelers are mindful of their dietary needs when traveling, incorporating vegan protein designed for women can be a lifesaver. Not only is this plant-based protein easily transportable but also delivers essential nutrition needed to stay energized during travels. When searching for these fantastic packets or bars, make sure that they are made with clean ingredients to support health goals without compromising them. Vegan protein tailored specifically for women provides an effortless way to stay nourished on the move. Whether added into morning smoothies or eaten as a quick snack between activities, vegan protein offers an easy and accessible way no matter where your travels may take you.

Stay Hydrated: It’s Not Just About Water  

While traveling can often leave us without enough time or energy for self-hydration, staying hydrated should always remain top of mind. Particularly when flying, walking for hours a day, or spending time in warmer climates. Carry a reusable water bottle to monitor how much you drink each day and avoid sugary drinks which deplete energy levels. Cucumbers and watermelons provide plenty of water as hydrating foods to stay refreshed. Alcohol may add fun moments, but be sure to complement each alcoholic drink with plenty of H20 in order to ensure an effective holiday experience.

The Holiday Lie-In: Friend or Foe?  

While traveling should be about relaxing, falling into an unhealthy pattern of midday wakeups can throw your rhythm off track. Achieve balance by enjoying a luxurious lie-in while not disrupting your body clock entirely. Wake up early enough to take in all that the morning brings with its quiet streets, crisp air, and relaxed atmosphere. This way more time can be dedicated towards sightseeing, relaxation or exercise before dipping into indulgent treats for the day ahead.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Pack Smart: Your Fitness Friends Are Compact  

Traveling light doesn’t mean sacrificing fitness. Pack important workout tools like resistance bands, foldable yoga mats and lightweight exercise clothes into your luggage to stay active on the road. These items take up minimal space in your suitcase while opening up a wide array of fitness possibilities. With tools such as these at your disposal, it is easy to squeeze in a quick workout in a hotel room, enjoy rejuvenating stretching on a rooftop terrace, or organize an intensive training session with friends if traveling together. These simple additions help your body remain active, energized, and flexible despite your hectic itinerary. Focusing on fitness on your trip doesn’t require a lot of equipment or time, just some preparation. Make these compact companions part of your luggage set-up so you’re always equipped to maintain wellness on your travels.

Sleep Smarter, Not Longer

Jet lag, time zones and late-night adventures can have a devastating impact on your sleeping patterns. Instead of letting them completely overwhelm your schedule, work with your body clock instead and adjust gradually to the new time zones. Catch a few short naps when flying and create a relaxing routine to wind down after an exciting day of exploring. Avoid using late nights as an excuse to binge-watch poor hotel room TV shows or scroll endlessly on social media. Create an environment in which your body can rest properly with eye masks, earplugs and even travel pillows. Make those hours count by creating an environment in which proper restful rest can happen.

Take Time to Breathe – Literally  

While it can be tempting to pack as many activities into every moment of your travels, overbooking can leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and stressed out. Instead, set aside time for just breathing. In a park perhaps? Or maybe meditating or journalling instead? Mindful breathing and reflection while travelling can do wonders for both your mental health and sensory overload. So take five minutes of deep breaths in a quiet spot or take a leisurely walk through serene landscape to give yourself time off to recharge both your mind and body so that both can work at their peak performance.

Balance Indulgence with Moderation  

Travel is all about enjoying the experience, not overindulging to the point of discomfort. Striking a balance between indulgence and moderation will allow you to maximize your enjoyment without feeling guilty afterwards. Consider substituting a lighter lunch with an indulgent breakfast buffet, or an evening stroll along a tranquil beach to keep yourself grounded without overindulging in those yummy meals and roadside snacks. Being aware can help ensure every moment of travel remains richly rewarding while at the same time rejuvenating.

Have Fun, But With Boundaries 

Above all else, remember the purpose of travel is to enjoy yourself and create memories. This includes discovering the world, meeting new people, and expanding your horizons. But no amount of joy can come at the cost of your health, wellbeing or even your peace of mind. So set some personal limits such as not eating dessert after every meal, restricting alcohol intake or taking breaks during intense sightseeing for rest. Sticking to these personal boundaries will yield far greater long-term benefits. Leaving all your boundaries completely open may feel satisfying at the moment but practicing balance will bring greater long term gains compared with total abandonment. 

Photo by Frederik Rosar on Unsplash


Travel doesn’t need to mean abandoning all forms of self-care and returning home feeling in dire need of detox. By prioritising movement, practicing moderation, and being aware of your habits while on your travel adventure, you can enjoy every moment without jeopardising your health or energy levels. Strike a balance between being kind to yourself and being kind to your body when planning trips. Exploring, indulging and creating memories are great, just be sure your efforts include thoughtful planning beforehand so you’re the best version of yourself when visiting new places.

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