UncategorizedManly Mondays: Think PinkFancy Nanc-ista 0 shares Share Tweet Pin You know what they say, “Real men wear pink.” Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and for today’s post I am sharing with you some of my favorite men styles in pink for some inspiration! photo via [1, 2] Who says the color pink is only for girls? There’s something about the color pink that makes a man look so sexy and spiffy. photo via [1, 2] shop similar styles // 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What’s your favorite pink piece? xoxo, Fancy Nancista
Lena Chu
I love that top left blazer in blush pink, how fun is the styling with the tie and handkerchief! Definitely a cool and preppy look hehe~ 🙂