“Life is too short, eat dessert first.” What is all colors, light, sweet and bite-sized?
Can you guess?
March was a great month! One of the reasons was because I had a fun opportunity taking a macaron making class with pastry Chef Leigh at Cafe Des Architectes in the Sofitel Hotel.
Chef Leigh guided us through each step of the macaron process! Who knew these little bites would take a process? Fun fact of the day, I use to blog about cupcakes before fashion, and believe it or not baking is a very tedious and precise process! You can easily screw up, by one little mistake, but of course it’s fun and yummy in the end. 🙂
Green was a perfect color to kick off the month of March. We made two kinds of macarons, pistachio and chocolate raspberry.
Then there was the frosting part… We were so good at it… 😉
I don’t know about you, but the best part of baking…. is probably eating it. (hehe).
[ps- these chef coats were rather big…]
Thank you Chef Leigh for a fun and memorable experience! We definitely had a blast!
Photopgrahy by Frankie de Guzman
Oh, and on top of all the ones we made… We were gifted with already made macarons!
What’s your favorite macaron?
Check out Cafe Des Architectes for some tasty treats!
Have a “sweet” weekend Loves!
Fancy Nancista
Jessica Garcia
I really want to learn to make these!
xo, Jessica || The Petite Diaries
Nancy Sevilla
Yeah it takes a process! But it was a lot of fun! 🙂