How To Get Comfortable if You’re in a Strange Hotel Room

How To Get Comfortable if You’re in a Strange Hotel Room


Staying multiple nights in a hotel can be difficult, especially if it’s not a top-of-the-line establishment. However, doing so is necessary if you are in a pinch or traveling for work. Learning how to get comfortable if you’re in a strange hotel room can calm your nerves before you call it a day.

Bring Home With You

You never know what you’re going to get for a hotel bed. However, there are a few aspects that most have in common. Generally, every hotel room has white linens, a heavy tan blanket, and a thick comforter. If your bedroom setup is drastically different, bringing some of your bedsheets in your suitcase is a good idea.

Besides bedding, pillows are also a key component of your sleep, and odds are that you have a pillow you prefer to sleep with. Bringing that along can help the bed feel less foreign, allowing you to get quality rest.

Bring Your Comfort Items

Although the bed is the most crucial comfort area, you shouldn’t forget the other items you take for granted at home. Items like slippers, small fans, noise makers, and familiar scents can make the room feel more comfortable. It might take a few hours before you feel the effects, but returning after getting ice and having the room smell like home is uplifting.

Pack Comfort Foods

You don’t want to make a habit of visiting the vending machine for an overpriced bag of chips or a cinnamon roll, and avoiding the minibar is vital. That’s why it’s wise to bring your comfort foods to put your mind at ease while traveling for work or pleasure.

If you always need an after-dinner snack before bed, bring that along for when you return to the room. Additionally, if there is a specific brand of coffee, cereal, or bagel you enjoy in the mornings, stick with that.

Consider Power Outlets

An optimal setup is important for you to feel comfortable. You’ll want to sleep on the same side of the bed with your phone charger near you and your fan or noisemaker running. While hotels often have several outlets, some may cause complications.

Bringing a small power strip along circumvents any issues you may have, giving you the flexibility to recreate your home setting. The last thing you want is to get to the room and find out there are only two outlets, and you brought these extra items for no reason.

Knowing how to get comfortable in a strange hotel room becomes easier over time, especially if your job requires you to be on the road regularly. But if you want a good night’s sleep and to feel secure in your room, making it a travel version of your bedroom is the way to go.

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