California Trip
I had the most amazing time while I was in California this past weekend. I visited a few of my friends while I was there but now I am back in the gloomy-cold Chicago. Though I haven’t been posting and it was quite short, it felt nice to just get away from everything here, finally breath and take a break.
One thing I realized while I was there was how much more determined I am to move to California. I love this city, but I feel as if I would love it more there. Despite the cold weather, Chicago will always be my home, but I think it’s safe to say I am ready for the next chapter. This time around I did more during my trip than I did the last time. However there are still way too many cities and endless things to do there, that I plan on going back soon. This post is to share with you (through pictures) my California trip! Hope you enjoy!
When I landed I was starving, so we all went to a restaurant in Studio City called Granville. Seriously one of my favorite restaurants thus far. The best thing about this place was everything they make is fresh and they have many great options to choose from. The entree I chose was the BBQ Chicken with mash potatoes and salad. AA-MMAZING! Seriously, if you ever find yourself around Studio City, Glendale or Burbank, it’s a must! I heard their drinks are phenomenal too!
Afterwards we had some dessert. Regardless of how stuffed I was, I can always make some room for dessert! This place was also located on the strip in Studio City. Since I use to blog about Cupcakes, I tried their Dark Chocolate Ganache Cupcake. The icing was my favorite part!
‘enough said.’
I love them.
Yes I worked out when I was on vacation. I actually bought a ClassPass and now it lets you use it in other cities as well, so I figured I should totally try a class in Cali! There’s a popular studio called Barry’s Bootcamp, which is essentially the same concept as Shred415 here, but unfortunately all the classes were full. Supposedly a lot of celebrities go to this workout class, one specifically Kim Kardashian (ha). Instead, I went to a barre class, located again in Studio City called Pop Physique. Now the only barre class I have tried thus far is at Barre Code here in Chicago, and it definitely couldn’t compare. This class was beyond hard but definitely a great workout which is what I wanted! I believe they have other locations, so I would recommend trying this place.
Lemonade. It’s a chain ‘fast food’ type joint, but it was yet amazing! The food tasted super fresh and the lemonade was very refreshing. I would definitely go back again!
Then I headed to Orange County area to see my long time friend Lauren.
For dinner we went to the Blind Pig and I ordered the chicken quarters, which was very tender and moist just the way I like it. The flavors to this dish was mind blowing, definitely another must!
I had the opportunity to finally meet the lovely +Jenny Plog I love meeting other bloggers, especially ones from different cities! She is super sweet, go check her out!
My outfit. =)
The beautiful Santa Monica. If I could choose anywhere to live, I totally would live here.
We did the Runyon Canyon Hike… Well sort of. Siri unfortunately directed us to the wrong entrance, so it only took us 10 minutes to get to the top. Regardless of not doing the actual hike, the view was breathtaking. Can you imagine being able to this year round?!
Couldn’t leave Cali without good +Sprinkles Cupcakes Ice cream! My favorite!
MORE FOOD. Haha, my trip definitely consisted of a lot of food.
I miss Cali already. I plan on heading back there in a few months. Now time for the holidays… Can you believe it’s Christmas next week?!
Also, if you are around town tomorrow night, stop on by for SIP + CHAT + FUN at an event Myself and Lena of Feline Creatures. Details below.
Happy Holidays!!!
Fancy Nancista