Signs It’s Time To Change Up the Skin-Care Routine

Signs It’s Time To Change Up the Skin-Care Routine


There are so many skin-care products available on the market, and deciding which ones are best for you can be overwhelming. Trying a new product only to find that it doesn’t appear to be working can also be frustrating. Or maybe you’ve had the same routine for years and now you’re finding red spots around your face. These are the signs it’s time to change up the skin-care routine and achieve better skin.

Few Results

If you see few or no results from your skin care, it’s time to try something new. Experts invented skin care for you to see change. Results vary from person to person, but if you’re not happy with your complexion after 6 to 12 weeks, it’s time to try a different treatment.


Acne breakouts are nightmares that nobody wants to wake up to see. The pimples are your warning sign: if you find that your breakouts appear in new places every time, you should try new products. The more products you use that contain retinoids and hydroxy acids, the more you’ll boost cell turnover.

You Want a New Look

Since the “no-makeup makeup” look is still a trend, maybe you’re looking to accomplish a better skin tone or a brighter, dewier look. Whatever skin journey you want to take, search for products that will aid you in it. For example, for that dewier look, try serums or a “glowtion” instead of your regular moisturizer.

Too Much Oil

If you find that your skin appears wet instead of dewy, there could be issues with the products you’re using. For example, using too many exfoliators or cleansers can cause excess oil to build up. You wash your face at night to remove all the dirt, grime, and oil from the day; then, while you sleep, your body produces more oil to hydrate and balance your skin. Avoid washing off this oil in the morning with heavy cleansers or exfoliants.

Dry Skin

Dry, flaky patches are common signs that your skin is dehydrated. This typically means the products you’re using are too harsh and that they’re drying out your skin. If you’re having issues with dry skin, avoid products that contain:

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Alcohol
  • Retinoids
  • Salicylic acid
  • Preservatives
  • Fragrances

Increased Discoloration

If you begin to notice patches of discoloration or redness on your face, they could be signs it’s time to change up your skin-care routine. Make a conscious effort to pay attention to your skin-care habits; for example, using hot water to wash your face or applying acne medication to a fresh pimple can both cause the skin to become discolored or red.

Changing Seasons

You should consider changing your skin-care routine with the changing seasons and weather. During the winter, invest in an excellent nighttime cream to better hydrate your skin, because winter air typically lacks moisture. You won’t need a rich night cream during the summer because of the increased humidity. Choose a daily moisturizer with SPF no matter what season to prevent sun damage and skin cancer.

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